1.01 The name of this organization shall be the Arizona Association of College Testing
Administrators (AZACTA). Hereafter referred to as AZACTA or “the Association”.
The Association is officially located in the State of Arizona.


2.01 The purpose of AZACTA shall be to:
(1) Enhance professional testing practices.

(2) Provide opportunities for professional development and increased understanding of emerging issues, products, and trends for Arizona testing administrators.

(3) Promote collaboration, cooperation and partnerships among testing professionals, testing companies, state policy-making agencies (with regard to test administration), directors and managers of college testing centers, and college administrators.

(4) Review and analyze testing instruments. Make recommendations for implementation of new testing initiatives and services based on research evidence.

(5) Provide support activities and technical assistance for information sharing, best practices, resources, and program enhancement efforts.

(6) Serve as a professional resource and advocate group regarding matters relevant to college testing with state agencies and other affinity groups within Arizona higher education. These purposes shall be achieved through the association’s website ( and listserv, annual meetings, conferences, sponsored workshops, and programs determined by the AZACTA Governing Board.


3.01 The mission of AZACTA is to enhance professional growth and communication among test administrators employed by Higher Learning Commission accredited postsecondary institutions (or like institutions) in the State of Arizona. AZACTA actively advocates and supports the National College Testing Association’s (NCTA) Professional Standards and Guidelines. Our mission is accomplished by working in partnership with the Arizona Department of Education (AZDOE), the Arizona Board of Regents, statewide community college districts, post-secondary technical/trade schools, and testing agencies while always keeping the needs of the AZACTA members’ institutions at the center of decision-making.


4.01 AZACTA will become a statewide resource for comprehensive educational assessment tools, shared data, and mentoring for the promotion of professional growth. By working Amended and approved at 3/24/17 AZACTA annual meeting closely with institutions of higher education, certification agencies, test developers, vendors, and educators, AZACTA will adopt high standards of test administration, accuracy, and academic integrity.


5.01 Membership shall be open (but not restricted to) testing professionals working at accredited postsecondary institutions operating within the State of Arizona, and test development companies and organizations. Types of membership shall be individual, emeritus, and business. AZACTA members are encouraged to be members of the National College Testing Association (NCTA), and to uphold their rigorous testing standards and follow the testing practices as established by NCTA.

5.02 Emeritus memberships are open to any person who is retired from the testing profession and who wishes to participate and contribute for the benefit and enrichment of association with AZACTA members. Emeritus memberships are selected by the Governing Board, do not carry any voting privileges, and are not eligible to hold office.

5.03 Business memberships are open to any business agency, test developer, vendor, association, or organization involved in testing and assessment within the state of Arizona. Business memberships do not carry voting privileges and are not eligible to hold office.

5.04 As a resource to AZACTA, the NCTA President, Past President, and President-Elect, as well as employees/members of the Arizona Department of Education (AZDOE), Arizona Board of Regents, statewide community college districts, and public and private trade and technical colleges will be extended an invitation to join AZACTA.

5.05 To remain in good standing, members shall be current in any assessed membership dues.


6.01 The business of the organization shall be conducted by the AZACTA Governing Board, hereafter referred to as the ‘Governing Board’. The Governing Board shall establish and maintain policies and procedures deemed necessary for the operation of the Association. The Governing Board is empowered to act in the name of the Association in matters not covered by policy statements. Such actions will be subject to review by AZACTA association members.

6.02  Each member of the Governing Board shall demonstrate a commitment to actively participate in the leadership of the Association. Governing Board members are encouraged to have a current membership with NCTA.  Membership on the Governing Board shall be restricted to those individuals who are employed within the testing profession at an eligible postsecondary institution. 

6.03 The Governing Board shall be represented by no fewer than 5 (five) members and no more than 11 (eleven) members, and must maintain an uneven number of members for voting purposes. No institution should have more than 1 (one) Governing Board member unless unusual circumstances exist.

6.04 The Governing Board shall be comprised of at least 5 (five) elected officers as defined in Article 7.

6.05 The initial Governing Board shall be elected by the majority membership. Thereafter, Governing Board Officers and Members shall be elected by the membership from a slate of nominees prepared by the Membership Committee and submitted to the President- Elect 30 (thirty) days prior to the Annual Meeting. Nominations will be solicited and received from the general membership. The slate of nominees must first be approved by the sitting Governing Board via simple majority vote. The general election will be performed via electronic media. A simple majority vote by the general membership will elect members to the Governing Board. In the event of a tie vote, the officer or Governing Board member election will be slated again for AZACTA membership vote.

6.06 For removal of any Governing Board member or Officer of the Association for reasons other than resignation, non-participation, or extenuating circumstances, an extraordinary vote (majority plus 2(two)) is required. Such removal may only be for proper cause and accomplished during a formal meeting of the Governing Board. Proper notice shall be given, in writing, to the Governing Board member being removed, advising them of the charges, their right to be present and their right to be heard by the Governing Board members prior to a vote for removal.


7.01 The officers of the Association (also known as the Executive Committee) shall be a Past President, President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer, Website Administrator, and Social Media Coordinator (amended 6-6-24). The Executive Committee may create other officer and co-officer positions, as deemed necessary, until the next general election.

7.02 The Past-President, President and President-Elect shall serve a one-year term. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected to serve a two-year term. The Treasurer, Website Administrator, and Social Media Coordinator shall serve seven-year terms (amended 6-6-24).

7.03 The new Officers and Governing Board shall be presented at the Annual meeting, with the official term of office beginning immediately following the Annual meeting.

7.04 After the initial election of the President (very first President), this office will automatically be filled by the President-Elect during the following term. The President will automatically assume the Office of Past President during the following term. During the first year of the Association, there will be no Past President. Amended and approved at 3/24/17 AZACTA annual meeting.

7.05 There shall be no limit to the number of terms served for the Secretary and Treasurer, Website Administrator, or Social Media Coordinator (amended 6-6-24). By necessity of process, the terms Past President, President, and President-Elect shall require at least one intervening term for the same person to be eligible for re-election to the same office they held previously.

7.06 Officers appointed by the Governing Board to fill a vacant office will not be treated as elected Officers for the purpose of term re-election, thus giving them the opportunity to run in the general election for a full term.

7.07 The primary function of the Past President is to serve in an advisory capacity for the newly elected President and executive Officers.

7.08 The President shall assume full responsibility for the general activities of the Association. The President’s duties may include, but are not limited to, serving as the liaison to state agencies, presiding over Governing Board and annual meetings, assuring that assigned tasks are accomplished, advising the membership of current organizational needs, preparing an annual budget, acting as co-signatory on the bank account, approving organizational expenditures, and acting as representative for the Association (AZACT) to the National College Testing Association (NCTA) and other professional organizations.

7.09 The President-Elect shall have the primary responsibility of organizing the standard election of Officers and Governing Board members. Such organizational duties shall include working with the Membership Committee to develop a slate of candidates, publishing the slate to the membership, and organizing the electronic general election process. Other organizational duties may be assigned by the President. In addition, the President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.

7.10 The Secretary shall perform the duties of recorder of the minutes at all meetings, and shall ensure that such minutes are approved in a timely manner and published as required. The Secretary shall be the custodian and archivist of the official files of the Association.

7.11 The Treasurer shall handle all financial duties of the Association with the approval of the President. Such financial duties may include, but are not limited to: maintaining a record of deposits, expenditures and financial transactions, acting as a principal signatory or cosignatory on a bank account for the Association, filing the annual tax return when needed, and preparing a financial report to be presented at all Annual meetings. This office will assist with the establishment of a ‘Not for Profit’ organizational status if deemed necessary.

7.11.1 The Website Administrator shall have the primary responsibility of maintaining the AZACTA website. Website additions or changes should be approved by the AZACTA President and/or President-Elect (amended 6-6-24).

7.11.2 The Social Media Coordinator shall have the primary responsibility of creating and maintaining any AZACTA social media accounts (amended 6-6-24).

7.12 If a vacancy should occur in one of the Officer’s positions of the Association (with the exception of the office of the President) the duties of that vacated office may be assumed by one of the current Governing Board members. The Governing Board will appoint a replacement until the next general election. Any decision to appoint a replacement for a vacated officer from within the Governing Board membership must be approved by a simple majority vote of the Governing Board. If no current Governing Board member is Amended and approved at 3/24/17 AZACTA annual meeting interested in taking over the duties for the vacated office, the Governing Board may appoint an officer from the general membership by a majority vote of the Governing Board. Such appointed member shall serve the remainder of the term vacated.

7.13 Should the vacated office be the AZACTA President, the President-Elect shall assume the duties for the remainder of the President’s term, and would continue through his/her own Presidency term. Once the President-Elect assumes the role of the President, the office of President-Elect shall remain vacant until the next general election. Should the elevated President-Elect to President be unable to serve until the remainder of the term, the Governing Board must appoint a replacement, by simple majority, from within the Governing Board members to serve the remainder of the term until the next general election.


8.01 There shall be one Annual meeting. Attendees will include the Governing Board and all Association members.

8.02 Optional AZACTA meetings will be held, if the Association determines that it is necessary.

8.03 Special meetings may be called if business dictates the need. All AZACTA members shall have (15) fifteen days’ notice prior to upcoming meeting dates, time, and purpose.

8.04 Business may be conducted via email or other electronic resources to facilitate timely decisions and cost savings. The Governing Board shall adopt procedures and processes for conducting such business utilizing email or electronic resources and publishing them to the members.

8.05 A minimum of 50% + 1(one) Governing Board members present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the Governing Board and/or AZACTA business. This would include attendance by remote means e.g., ‘Go Meeting’ or conference calls.

8.06 A majority vote of the Governing Board present at a meeting shall determine the passage of routine business matters.

8.07 Each Committee Chairperson shall schedule and hold meetings deemed necessary to conduct business and may meet in person, by telephone, email, or other electronic resources.

8.08 All AZACTA meetings shall be conducted in a way that maximizes the input of each member and recognizes the value of their time. ‘Roberts Rules of Order’ may be used but are not required. An advance agenda shall be prepared and distributed prior to any formal meeting.


9.01 Committees shall be established to assist the elected Officers and the Governing Board as needed. The Governing Board will decide the title and responsibility of each committee.

9.02 Committees may include: Best Practices, Bylaws, Public Relations and Policy, Events Planning, Communications and Web Oversight, Membership/Recruitment, and Technology. As the need arises, committees will be formed or dissolved.

9.03 The AZACTA Best Practices Committee is responsible for identifying and reviewing Assessment/Testing Best Practices at the state, national, and global levels, and making these best practices available to the AZACTA membership.

9.04 The AZACTA Bylaws Committee is responsible for ensuring that the Bylaws reflect AZACTA’s current practices by reviewing, revising, and ratifying them on an annual basis.

9.05 The AZACTA Communications and Web Oversight Committee is responsible for providing venues whereby members are able to share ideas and concerns, such as the AZACTA listserv and the AZACTA website. Examples may include social media and shared file products.

9.06 The AZACTA Events Planning Committee is responsible for coordinating event logistics for the annual AZACTA meeting (in partnership with the host institution), for providing event checklists and forms, for communicating meeting event activities to the membership, and for assisting with the planning of additional AZACTA events. The AZACTA President-Elect will be a standing member of this committee.

9.07 The AZACTA Membership Committee is responsible for providing guidance and recommendations to the AZACTA Governing Board regarding membership issues, upkeep of the membership roster, and ensuring that membership renewal process is as inclusive and efficient as possible.

9.08 The AZACTA Public Relations and Policy Committee is responsible for gathering, disseminating, and marketing information about AZACTA to administrators, businesses, and other interested organizations (regarding testing practices and services available in Arizona). This committee will be the primary AZACTA contact for government and Arizona Department of Education relations. The AZACTA President will be a standing member of this committee.


10.01 No member of the Governing Board or any committee member of the Association shall be entitled to compensation for services rendered to the Association in the course of his/her duties. The Governing Board may authorize compensation to non-office holders for services of value to the Association.


11.01 The Governing Board may authorize Officers to enter into a contract in the name of and on behalf of AZACTA. Such authorization may be either general or specific.

11.02 All monies, checks, drafts, endorsements, notes and other evidence of indebtedness shall be signed by Officers or Governing Board members of the Association as the Governing Board shall determine is necessary. Such funds shall be deposited in the bank, trust company, or other financial institution as designated by the Governing Board. The Treasurer is the primary Officer responsible for fiscal soundness.


12.01 The Association shall keep correct and complete records of all account and financial activity, minutes of the Governing Board and committee meetings, and minutes of the business meeting held annually.

12.02 Receipts and bank statements of the Association will be maintained by the Treasurer, and will be summarized in a financial report to the Governing Board and to the general membership at the Annual meeting.

12.03 The Governing Board shall establish and maintain such policies and procedures as is necessary for the operation of the organization.


13.01 The fiscal year of the Association for any taxation purposes and budget planning shall begin on the 1st day of July and shall end on the 30th day of June each year.


14.01 The Governing Board may establish annual membership dues and make special assessments for activities of the organization. Such assessments must be based upon actual financial justifications. Dues will be assessed on Individual and Business memberships. A majority vote of the general membership present at the Annual Association meeting will be required for special membership status. Emeritus memberships are considered honorary, for retired professionals, in recognition for one’s Amended and approved at 3/24/17 AZACTA annual meeting past leadership role in the advancement of the testing profession in the State of Arizona, and will not be assessed any membership fee.

14.02 Membership dues structure must be approved by majority vote of the Council.

14.03 Dues and the collection of fees will occur prior to each Annual Meeting.


15.01 Ratification of the initial Bylaws shall be considered “working bylaws”. Adoption of official bylaws shall require (2/3) two-thirds majority vote of the voting membership present at the first Annual meeting.

15.02 Thereafter, the Bylaws committee shall review the Association’s bylaws on an annual basis to ensure that the bylaws reflect the current business practices of the Association. Any changes or amendments to the bylaws shall be submitted and approved as defined in 16.01.


16.01 Amendments and revisions to the Bylaws may be submitted by AZACTA members to the Chair of the Bylaws committee. All amendments and revisions to the Bylaws shall require a (2/3) two-thirds majority vote of the general membership present at the Annual meeting. Each approved amendment or revision shall be referenced with an article designation and a date of effectiveness.


17.01 Each member of the Governing Board shall be indemnified by the Association to the limit of the funds available against all claims and liabilities to which they may be subject by reason of serving as a member of the Governing Board.


18.01 The decision to dissolve AZACTA must be brought before the general membership for a vote and approved by a (2/3) two-thirds majority vote of the voting members present at the annual meeting.

18.02 Upon dissolution of the Association, any assets shall be distributed to the National College Testing Association (NCTA) through a formal transfer of assets.

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